Flower Bulbs Online

It is an absolute pleasure to watch a flower garden bloom. To ensure a successful bloom, along with care and nurture, it is important to acquire a good variety of seeds, plants and bulbs. Flower bulbs are easily available at local nurseries, flower stores and online florists. A number of people are opting to search and purchase flower bulbs online. An online purchase helps people save on time and the effort of physically visiting a nursery to make a selection. Most websites that sell flower bulbs furnish sufficient information about the available types, pricing, growing tips and payment methods.
The continuous improvement of search engines allows customers to find desired results in a matter of seconds. A buyer simply enters his needs in terms of specific flower choices on the search engines. There are numerous links, advertisements and Internet shops that allow for easy access. Most websites display photos of the flower bulbs and the flower garden in full bloom. This quick and efficient response eliminates the need of going to a real store and prompts a number of people to purchase flower bulbs online.
Once a buyer has found an ideal source online, it is important to verify the quality of the bulbs and the reputation of company. Amateur gardeners must look for detailed information on bulbs being sold online. These include factors like sunlight requirements, life terms, plant height and bloom times for the varieties they are seeking to purchase. They should also look for information related to planting, maintaining and flower safety.
Potential buyers should also check the security clauses with online offers. The website should have online declarations that guarantee to deliver the correct bulbs and not proxies of the variety. It should also declare all applicable charges including delivery and taxes. It is also recommended that a buyer verify that the flower bulbs being sold online are cultivated varieties and not wild ones.
Potential buyers should not make a hasty online purchase. To test the capability of the company, they should send a query via the email addresses listed on the site. It is advisable to wait for a reply and assess the time taken by the company to respond. It is important to check if the reply is an automated response or a personal response. These steps go a long way in ensuring that your online purchase of flower bulbs is a worthwhile exercise.
Flower Bulbs provides detailed information on Flower Bulbs, Flower Bulb Catalog, Flower Bulbs for Sale, Wholesale Flower Bulbs and more. Flower Bulbs is affiliated with Silk Wedding Flowers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Seth_Miller

Designing Your Flower Garden For Year-Round Beauty

Season of bloom: A big mistake that many gardeners make is to buy only what they see blooming in the garden center in the spring. Their gardens end up looking lovely in spring and early summer, but lack color during the rest of the summer and fall. A balanced flower garden has about one-third of its plants in bloom at any given time. Divide your flowering season into thirds (or fourths, if you live in a long-growth season climate) and choose plants that bloom in each part of the season. Visit garden centers in mid to late summer to fine attractive plants that bloom in those seasons
Flower color and form: Gardeners usually make flower color their top priority when deciding which plants to purchase. Popular garden themes that revolve around color include single-color plantings, such as white gardens, soft pastels, bright crayon-box colors, or motifs to match the color of your house. Although you really can't go wrong in mixing flower colors, some hues naturally go well together.
Color wheels, which you can find at your local art supply store, show the rainbow as a circle of colored slices. Color wheel opposites, such as red and green, orange and blue, purple and yellow complement each other. Colors that form triangles on the color wheel, such as blue, green-yellow and red-purple, also make good combinations. A single hue (such as red) has many lighter and darker colors (such as pink and scarlet) within its family and combining these make single-color theme gardens more interesting.
Red, yellow and orange - called hot colors - jump out in the landscape and can appear closer than they are. Blue, green and purple - called cool colors - blend into the garden and look farther away. Use these colors to achieve certain effects. Cool colors in a small garden can make it appear larger, for example, while hot colors draw more attention to street-side plantings. White also stands out in the landscape, especially in dim light and is useful for planting with more colorful flowers to brighten or moderate the mix.
Flower size and shape contribute to the plant's overall appearance, too. Add variety and interest to your garden by blending plants that produce masses of small flowers with those that bear larger or single blooms.
Plant height and spread: Most gardens have a front, back and middle. To arrange plants by height, put the shortest ones in the front and tallest in the back, just like the lineup for a family photograph. Pay attention to the mature width of your plants and give them the space they need. But watch out for aggressive plants that travel unbidden throughout your garden. These usually creep rapidly above- or underground or spread by numerous seeds.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Gardening
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell